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We conduct in-person placement auditions multiple times throughout the year. Stay updated on the dates and locations for these auditions by following us on our social media channels. Our next round of auditions will take place between June 5-8 and Sept 5-7, 2025.

Shallaway Youth Choir also accepts virtual auditions for new members three times per year (September, early January, and over the summer). In 2025-26, we’re aiming to grow our (Jubilate) junior high group, as well as (Prima, Dolce, Vivo and Nobile) Kindergarten to Grade 6 groups. 

We welcome everyone who would like to sing with Shallaway to contact us and learn more about the placement process. Shallaway is a serious singing and music program, and even our youngest choristers are expected to follow the conductor’s direction and demonstrate basic musical skills. The placement audition is an opportunity to make sure Shallaway is a good fit for your child.

What to expect

We will see your child for about 10 minutes in a relaxed atmosphere.

Your child can sing anything that they’re comfortable with – a musical theatre tune, a pop song, a traditional song from your culture, or even Happy Birthday.

We will do a fun activity – i.e. sing a ‘siren’ to hear how high and low your child sings, There is nothing to prepare.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to provide your child with world-class musical training and an unforgettable experience with Shallaway. For more information, email [email protected] today.

Sign Up Now

Audition Video

If you can’t make our in-person placement auditions,
Please follow the steps below to send us a video. 

Upon registering above, follow these six simple steps:

  • Watch this instructional video
  • Tell us a little bit of info about you and your grade
  • Sing a siren (see YouTube video!)
  • Sing Twinkle Twinkle (we’ll provide the starting note on the YouTube video!)
  • (*Optional) Sing us a song (it can be Happy Birthday or your favourite Taylor Swift song!
  • Sign up below and receive an email with submission instructions.
Sign Up First!