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Dr. Susan Knight

Dr Susan Knight is Founder and Artistic Director Emeritus of Festival 500: Sharing the Voices and also Shallaway-Newfoundland and Labrador Youth in Chorus. She holds Bachelor degrees in Music and Music Education (Memorial University, Newfoundland and Labrador), a Masters of Arts in Music Education (St. Thomas University, Minnesota) and a Ph.D. from the Institute of Education, University of London.

She has taught music education at the elementary, undergraduate and post-graduate levels over the past three decades, and has been active internationally as a guest conductor, clinician, keynote speaker, consultant, and producer.

Her articles on research and practice have been published in a number of scholarly journals. She co-edited (with Bob Chilcott) a two-volume anthology of international choral music published by Oxford University Press, for whom she is currently authoring a chapter in the new Handbook on Singing.

She is active in governance, currently serving on the Boards of Chorus America, Irish Business Partnerships, World’s End Theatre Company, Opera on the Avalon, International Federation of Choral Music, the Canada Council for the Arts and the Canadian Commission for UNESCO.

She holds an Honorary Doctor of Laws from Memorial University and is invested in the Orders of both Canada and Newfoundland and Labrador.