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Notice of Annual General Meeting

August 20, 2023

To: All Members


TAKE NOTICE that the Annual General Meeting (the “meeting”) of Shallaway Youth In Chorus Inc., will be held vat 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 19 for the following purposes:

 1.      To receive the Joint Report from the Board Chair, Artistic and Executive Directors

2.      To approve the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of members held on October 21, 2022 in St. John’s, Canada.

3.      To receive and consider the financial statements of Shallaway Youth In Chorus Inc. for the year ended August 31, 2022 and the report of the auditors thereon.

4.      To appoint Shallaway Youth In Chorus Inc. auditors for the ensuing year.

5.      To install the directors as per the nomination process.

6.      To transact such other business that may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment or adjournments thereof.

Help us, rise up!

August 9, 2023

For 31 years, Shallaway has relied on our community’s kindness and performed on borrowed risers. However, as we grow, diversify our performance spaces and artistic activities, these structures no longer meet our needs. With a monthly donation of $10, or a one time donation of any amount, you can help us purchase our very first set of choral risers.

Help our choristers get a leg up.

Exsultate back from the Cork International Choral Festival, Ireland

May 16, 2023

Our newest ensemble Exsultate represented Canada in the 2023 Fleischmann International Trophy Competition at the Cork International Choral Festival. They were ecstatic about their performance and held their own on a stage of the world’s best choral ensembles. 

After the awards ceremony, Conductor Kellie Walsh said, “This is a hugely proud day. Exsultate received a mark of 90.22 from the jury of five renowned European conductors. A huge shout out to the adult chamber choir Huik! from Estonia who won with a mark of 92.8!”

Estonian choirs took the top three spots in the competition.

1st Prize: Estonia’s Segakoor HUIK! Mixed Choir

 2nd Prize: Estonia’s Academic Women’s Choir of the University of Tartu

3rd Prize:  Estonia’s Academic Female Choir of Tallinn University of Technology

Exsultate toured the Cliffs of Moher, Downtown Dublin, performed at the Mayfield Library and the Killavulin elementary school and at the famous Blarney Castle. Click the link to hear Exsultate singing in Gaelic.

Martin Byrne, an audience member who attended the library performance, had this to say about Shallaway, “It was honestly a privilege to have been in the presence of such a wonderful group of enthusiastic and talented young people whose love for and enjoyment of singing and performing was absolutely plain to see ( and hear !). Thank you all so much for coming to my city and neighbourhood.  I wish you every success in the upcoming competition and hope you enjoy your stay in Cork. Good luck to you all in all that you do in the future. And thank you again, you were beautiful-and fantastic-today, a credit to your tutors, country, families and yourselves.”

This was Exsultate’s first international choral competition and we are proud of their top marks and the way they proudly represented Canada and Newfoundland.

Shallaway’s Jubilate Ensemble Wins Gold!

April 27, 2023

Members of Shallaway Youth Choir’s Jubilate Ensemble (Grades 6-9), led by Associate Director Jennifer Hart, won a GOLD standing at the WorldStrides Orlando Heritage Festival. The singers received an invitation to the WorldStrides Festival of Gold at either Toronto’s Roy Thomson Hall or Carnegie Hall in New York City.

One of the adjudicators commented, “Charming performance – everything that’s beautiful and affirming about choral singing is on display – thank you!”

Associate Director Jennifer Hart said, “Jubilate not only visited the most magical place on earth, Disney World, but also created their own magic by presenting their dynamic musical program and sharing their pride and identity as Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.”

This achievement represents Shallaway’s mission of creating exciting leadership and cultural opportunities for Newfoundland & Labrador youth in an international context. 

For media enquiries contact:

Angela Antle

Manager of Communications and Development

Shallaway Youth Choir – Canada

[email protected]


Newfoundland youth to compete in US and Ireland 

May 30, 2024

This week, members of Shallaway Youth Choir’s Jubilate Ensemble (Grades 6-9), led by Associate Director Jennifer Hart, are competing at the WorldStrides Performing Arts Orlando Heritage Festival in the US. Young performers will experience a music education and exchange experience and perform for a panel of three internationally renowned adjudicators.

On April 25th, the senior choristers of Shallaway’s Exsultate Ensemble (ages 15-25), led by the Artistic Team of Kellie Walsh (Artistic Director), Jennifer Hart (Associate Director) and Leslee Heys (Collaborative Pianist), will represent Canada in the prestigious Fleischmann International Trophy Competition of the 68th edition of the Cork Choral Festival. Only the finest amateur international choirs are selected to compete in this a capella competition. 

Both of these opportunities illustrate Shallaway’s mission of creating exciting leadership and cultural opportunities for Newfoundland & Labrador youth in an international context. 


March 1, 2023

Shallaway is proud to host the ground-breaking collaboration and tour of two of Turtle Island’s celebrated professional artists – musica intima (vocal ensemble, Vancouver) and Andrew Balfour (Composer, Winnipeg).

NAGAMO (Sing in Ojibway) also includes powerful works Legacy and Song of the River written and performed by internationally-acclaimed singer and composer Deantha Edmunds, arranged by Leslee Heys, with collective singing, playing, and tradition sharing of Ullugiagâtsuk choir of Nunatsiavut Labrador, Shallaway Youth Choir, Annie Corrigan, and the Atlantic String Quartet.

Doors open at 7:00 PM, Concert begins at 7:30 PM